After being officially announced in January 2011, Eurocom Racer Notebook has finally landed into the market. This device comes with a list of impressive specs along with sleek and professional looks. This notebook is powered by an 180W AC adaptor and also supports up to 32GB of DDR3 RAM and new Intel Sandy Bridge processor. It measures 376x256x43 mm in size and weighs around 3.1 kgs.
Eurocom Racer Notebook is fitted in with a 15.6 inch backlit LED display screen which provides the users with good resolution count and a clear view of the content. With this Notebook, users can also enjoy the 2MP webcam which can be used for video calling purposes.
The connectivity options offered are Wifi, Bluetooth and Gigabit Ethernet. For storage there is the 1.75 TB which comes through the two HDDs, SSDs and hybrid. The additional features supported by Eurocom Racer include two USB 3.0 ports, 9 in 1 card reader and an 8 cell battery.